Master Healer
Brain Enhancer
Enlightened Mind
Up-Level your life: Create balance, align to purpose & attain your highest expression.
About ‘The Brain Guy’ Scott Robinson
If you want to get the very best and very most out of life, then it’s an absolute imperative to have the highest functioning neurologic ‘hardware & software’.
Scott is a senior lecturer with the Academy of Applied Movement Neurology & works directly to achieve balance in the governing systems of the body, optimising nervous system communication, as well as upgrading the subconscious programs to meet with the requirements of your very best life.
Scott works with you wherever you happen to be in life, whether you need to: improve on high performance, quickly & easily transform stress, resolve trauma, pain or dysfunction, or possibly just receive a general upgrade to your experience of life. Scott’s work can help you get the very best & very most out of life.
Whatever it is that you are looking to achieve in life, it is the brain and nervous system that control your life’s outcomes. Scott works directly with your neurology, your subconscious mind (which accounts for 95% of total brain processing) & so much more, to affect profound change.
What People Are Saying
“My neurosurgeon told me that I would spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair. Scott’s master skill and understanding of the brain proved this wrong and has completely changed my life.”
— Georgia Bird, Hemispherectomy Survivor
“I am so happy! I have never worked with someone where I saw results so quick! He is phenomenal & so gifted at what he does.”
— Michelle Robinson, EFT Practitioner
“Scott is my brain magician.”
— Jana Webb, TBI survivor & Creator of Joga
“I was able to completely quit smoking after one session with Scott. The hardest thing was getting my head around the idea that it could be that easy.”
— Ashley Foran, Former Smoker
“Scott is one of the most perceptive and intelligent people I know. Scott’s abilities are borderline supernatural.”
— Dr Dillon Walker PhD., Research Scientist
“I am literally, the happiest I have ever been.”
— Jacki Bresic, Entrepreneur
“My heart is overflowing with gratitude. What we worked on in such a short time is so profound. I really do believe now that the sky is the limit.”
— Lisa Constable
“I am more aligned and in sync with my business and team than ever.”
— Chris Boys, CEO Umano
“I had migraines for ten years, tried literally everything. The brain guy ended them in one session”
— Zainne Saleh, Actress
Brain Guy Experiences
Overview of Possibilities
Transforming stress individually or across an entire organisation: Do you want to quickly transform the stress and anxiety or pressure that your organisation is under? Scott can work with you personally, or with groups of 2 to 1000 people to transform the collective stress that impacts at an individual level.
High performance covers any & all areas in which we wish to excel. To perform at the highest level, an individual needs to be the best possible version of themself in all aspects of life. This process involves improving the quality & robustness of physical tissues in the body by improving brain & nervous system communication. Add to this the replacing of the limiting beliefs in the mind which create & maintain limitations in the body & in life, with programming that facilitates maximal output.
Healing trauma is actually much lighter, easier & faster than most people understand to be possible. It is also one of the most impactful things that we can do for our health, for our relationships, for the role modelling we example to our children & for contentment, fulfilment & purpose in our lives.
Healing & resolving chronic pain by treating the cause of the pain, rather than chasing symptoms. Pain can be complex, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that it is difficult to resolve. Complexity of pain simply means that the pain is being mediated by multiple factors eg. Neurotransmitters, low voltage in tissues, muscle tension, lymphatic issues, nociception from historic injuries, neurons in the brainstem, meningeal layers, subconscious perceptions, stresses & much more
Communication, Reading & Learning
Up-levelling the mind, enhancing the brain’s capabilities & upgrading the experience of life. Clearing up the communication in the body allows the nervous system to thrive. Connecting to purpose aligns the body with the best possible version of itself. Consultations with the Brain Guy explained
Working with the key people in your organisation to tap into their intuitive wisdom and higher intelligence. Removing stress to facilitate highest levels of brain processing capacity across all levels of the organisation. Aligning all minds within the organisation with: the vision, purpose & goals of the organisation, with all of the other minds in the organisation & with the principles of nature which facilitates sustainability at the organisation’s highest possible potential.
Intuition & Synchronicities

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Listen to the latest podcasts
From the podcast library
AMN Academy: How Scott helped a young woman with half her brain removed
Just Fly Sports III: Driving attention in training & the power of self Affirmations
Channel Earth Podcast: The Brain Guy on Movement & the Brain
Quantum Feedback Podcast: How To Create Neuro Flexibility with Scott Robinson
Health Pigs Podcast: The Brain Guy on Traumatic Brain Injury, Subconscious Mind & Healing
Adam Evans @wetheaether Podcast: Light and the Brain | EP72
School of Calisthenics: The Power of the Subconscious Mind with @the.brain.guy [part 2] 🌟
The Blissful Movements Podcast - How to hack your subconscious
The Simplifier’s Podcast: Getting into flow (part I) & (part II) 🌟
Mindful Matters Podcast: Trauma, Limiting Beliefs & The Subconscious Mind
The Discomfort Practice: Rewiring your brain to live the life you want 🌟
Simply Complicated: Neuroplasticity, Trauma, How our body reads vibes
The Heartbeat: The truth about healing & up levelling your life
4bidden knowledge: Bio-Hack Your Best Life - BRAIN conversations with Scott Robinson 🌟
Live Train Perform Podcast with Shaun Kober
Fear, Trauma, Healing & Social Isolation: Boost your biology with Scott Robinson
Getting Mental Podcast: How to use your brain to win in life with Scott Robinson
Neural Transformations: Is Our Mind The Greatest Pharmacy That We Have?! Neural Transformations
How to unfold your true gift: The Curious Collective Podcast 🌟
Making your mindset work for you. LYT Yoga podcast 🌟
Our power is within: The why & the how to heal (I) 🌟
Our power is within: Peace, Truth & Healing (II) 🌟
Perspective of the Mind podcast: How to get unstuck
Shifting Reality: How beliefs & perceptions transform our lives - 100 breaths 🌟
Live your best life - The MAPP Life Podcast
The Being Method Podcast: How to Release Your Limiting Mindsets 🌟
Love at First Science: Balance & align the mind, nervous system & know truth 🌟